Relationship Issues
Our closest relationships are often the playground - or battleground - upon which our deepest vulnerabilities, our most damaging behaviors, and our unresolved past hurt can be revealed. Relationship with our husband, in-laws, parent, family member, fiancé, close friend, co-worker - they require work and are bound to face challenges large and small. Can you identify with any of the following?
You consistently have hurt feelings in the relationship
You struggle to express your emotions
You tend to have imaginary conversations or you replay conversations over and over in your head about a person
You have conflict that is on-going and unresolved
You consistently analyze what you said and feel embarrassment or shame after not so great interactions
You feel distant and not connected
Have a hard time maintaining long term relationships
You feel isolated or alone in the area of relationships
You struggle to be vulnerable in trusted relationships
You struggle with communication
As women, all of us get stuck at one point or another in a relationship and don’t know how to move forward. When challenges are left unaddressed, tension mounts, poor habits develop, and the health and longevity of the relationship are in jeopardy. I specialize in counseling women who are experience difficulties in a relationship. Working with me provides a space for you to explore ways to move toward health and healing.
Gaslighting is when someone intentionally twists your perception of reality for their own gain. It’s a specific type of manipulation where the manipulator is trying to get someone else to question their own reality, memory or perceptions.