Posts tagged high needs parenting
Supporting Siblings in Families with Special Needs

When one child in a family unit has special needs (emotional, behavioral, developmental, physical, or illness related) it affects the entire family, particularly siblings. It is very easy and understandable for parents to become consumed with getting the child that displays the more critical difficulties the help that they need, unfortunately, this sometimes comes at the cost of the health and well-being of other children in the family. Disaster management and pure survival tactics dictate that the individual who is causing the most disruption, the high level of disturbance in the family unit, and needs the highest degree of care would consume the most mental and emotional energy from the parents. However, this can unintentionally leave other children in the family vulnerable to significant stress, anxiety, and pressure within the family system. When one child is experiencing a crisis, the other children MUST be supported and monitored too.

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