Understanding Grief After the Death of a Baby

A recent podcast episode featuring Libby Marler on The Joyful Morning podcast. The Morning is an incredible online resource that provides meaningful ways to help women connect with other moms who have experienced the loss of a baby as well as other helpful resources that will assist moms as they navigate their grief journey.

Grief After Baby Loss

If you have experienced the loss of a baby or know and love someone who has experienced the loss of a baby this episode is an absolute must-listen. Ashlee Proffitt from The Joyful Mourning Podcast interviews one of The Counseling Collective’s counselors, Libby Marler, who provides a general overview of what someone who has experienced the loss of a baby can expect in regards to grief. For many of us, the loss of our baby was the first time we have experienced a significant loss close to us, we are unfamiliar with the grieving process and we are trying to discern what’s normal, what isn’t, what is expected of us, when should we seek outside help -- basically all the things and in this episode Libby breaks it all down for us. She shares invaluable expertise regarding baby loss and grief, including helpful steps to take to process through your grief in a way that is not burdensome or weighty but instead, very freeing. 

If you have ever wondered if what you are feeling and thinking amidst grief is normal or if you have ever asked yourself ‘Am I showing enough emotion? Am I showing too much emotion?’ or ‘Shouldn’t I be farther along by now?” this episode is for you. Libby offers wisdom that I am sure will encourage you in your grief today.

Ashlee also created a helpful guide called Understanding Grief to go along this episode that breaks down much of what Libby talked about in today’s episode. This guide includes an explanation of bereavement trauma, aspects of trauma in regards to baby loss, what are normal feelings of grief, what are normal physical responses to grief, ways to process your loss, thoughts about when to seek professional help and several helpful journal prompts.

We think this guide will be incredibly helpful to you in your grief journey. 

Questions We answer (or try to answer) During this Episode

  • What is Traumatic Bereavement?

  • Is Traumatic Bereavement applicable to all types of baby loss, such as an early miscarriage or stillbirth, a life-limiting diagnosis or infant loss? 

  • What are some of the aspects of trauma when the death of a baby occurs?

  • What are normal and common feelings of grief? 

  • What is normal in grief; what can a grieving woman expect after the loss of a baby in regards to her emotions?

  • What steps would you encourage a grieving mom to take in order to process her grief?

  • What are some signs that professional help should be considered?

  • What is grief and what is something more?

  • How would you recommend a mom listening seek out professional help?

Meet Libby

After personally navigating the death of my daughter due to a life-limiting diagnosis, I became passionate about providing counseling and support for women who are experiencing big life transitions, particularly the unique and difficult challenges of transitioning to motherhood. I specialize in women’s issues including maternal mental health, parenting, grief and loss, as well as anxiety issues.

Learn more about Libby by clicking here and click here to schedule an in-person or virtual counseling appointment today!

Download your understanding Grief Guide
